The Kingdom of God is very near to us..
“The kingdom of God is very close to us. Therefore, the International Christian Board (ICB) has been sent by God, the divine, to establish, strengthen, unite, and stabilize this Earth. This is God’s plan, a great system implemented according to the divine will. God, with great resolve, sent ICB to this Earth for the protection of all humanity. The ultimate purpose of sacrificing life for the sake of Jesus Christ, the Lord, should be achieved as the greatest benefit for all of humanity. We should all practice the divine system in accordance with God’s will.
When the kingdom of God approaches, those who are the devotees of God should, with immense love, make known the boundless love of God to everyone. The love of God should be spread to all. Every individual should express the loftiness of God’s love, the bond of God’s love, and the intimacy of God’s love to the entire human world. Christianity does not mean just a religion; it is a way of life. Every person should, as a free being, live freely and independently. Jesus Christ, the Lord, came to this world as the incarnate body of the divine, lived, and directly communicated the path he established.
By savoring and experiencing the love of God, the Christian society, with a unified mind and a unified soul, follows the path of Jesus Christ, the Lord, in the Ten Commandments, the first of which is “Love your neighbor as yourself,” practiced and demonstrated by people of all ages. Attaining completeness of the soul, obtaining the divine soul, and performing spiritual deeds, Jesus Christ, the powerful one, by the grace and capability of Jesus Christ, endowed with love and abundance, presents ICB to all people. It is not just a religion but a way of life. By manifesting the actions of God’s love, God sent ICB to this Earth.
The color, taste, fragrance, expansiveness, abundance, and magnificence of ICB are all expressions of the love of God. Because the love of God in this world is supremely excellent and elevated, this world has changed and is changing with that love. It is for that love that this world is longing. God, in the form of Jesus Christ, has graciously bestowed that immaculate love upon this world. Therefore, Jesus Christ came to this world not as a human but as a transcendental, great being, living like a human, carrying out the grand plan of the great divine, and working as the form of divine for the liberation of all beings, all humanity, and all emancipation.
By the sacrifice of the great life, God accomplished the great task. Jesus Christ, the Lord, who gave his life as a ransom for the sins and curses of all humanity, triumphed
over death according to the command of God, his Father. With the power of resurrection, he returned to the afterlife. The love he demonstrated is what God has bestowed upon this world. It is perfect love that sacrificed itself for the sins and curses of all humanity. God has made a covenant with all of us who have tasted the love of Christ. That covenant is the “Lord’s Supper” In that evening meal, the Lord united all his disciples with his words and said that this covenant is for you and for all people
Now, God has decided to implement his new covenant through ICB. Through this, Jesus Christ wants to unify all the world in the path of Christ, overcome the invisible internal discord that will soon occur, and establish permanent unity within himself. The miraculous internal transformation of Jesus Christ, who came to this world as a human and lived like a human, and who, like a great divine beyond humanity, lived, decided to return to the afterlife, should be achieved in all beings he created. That’s the great divine plan of God.
Through this, by unifying the worldwide branches like the branches of a tree that are spread across the globe, Jesus Christ is descending below, extending his grace-filled hand to all, showering his grace abundantly upon them, and by the power of his glory, performing his divine deeds in the world. In the end, by manifesting his glorious deeds, by sprinkling his glory upon them, by performing his great deeds among his people, he wants to transform them into himself, to unify them within himself, which God greatly desires. That is why God has sent the International Christian Board with the essence of love to this world. Through ICB, God is performing miraculous deeds.
Therefore, God established the International Christian Board for the sake of the entire world’s population. Through this, all of us can be united, working with Christian love, performing Christian activities, and joining Christ on the path of Christ. Becoming part of the work of Christ is the ultimate purpose of ICB. For the great divine plan of God, which is aimed at achieving the unity of God with the entire world, let us commit ourselves wholeheartedly with our mind, speech, and actions. With a complete soul and full strength, let us dedicate ourselves to the work of God. Amen.
Our Vision
When Jesus announced the coming of the kingdom of God, he was declaring a revolution.Jesus saw himself as the messenger chosen by God to deliver the good news of God’s powerful new activity in the world. God’s kingdom was coming to replace the authority of all earthly kingdoms, and it was beginning immediately through ICB. God has made it possible for the ministry to move on despite all kinds of hardships. With God’s grace, our ministry has been able to spread the truth regarding satanic claims and other bondages all over the world. Our motive is to bring Christians from different churches and denominations together to teach them the gospel as well as to praise God. At the same time, we teach them to stand firm in their respective churches. We are totally against all superstitious beliefs, as we pray to God only in spirit and in truth, exactly as Christ Jesus had taught us. Jesus is the leader of this ministry, and everything is done according to His will.
Jesus announced that the day had finally come when God would act to take charge of the earth. The coming of the kingdom is the coming of divine liberation from all oppressive earthly systems. This announcement was seen as a threat by the ruling powers in Palestine, including the Jewish Sanhedrin and the Roman Procurator, Pontius Pilate. Roman authorities quickly executed Jesus for sedition against the state. The revolution that Jesus announced was a challenge to all powers, both then and now. But the kingdom of God does not come through violent revolution. It is not the replacement of one ruling group with another ruling group. It is a revolution far greater and deeper.
Our Vision
To Jesus, the good news of the kingdom of God was the decisive action God was taking to defeat the kingdom of Satan—the domination system itself. Jesus saw himself as the one who was called to announce the beginning of God’s new order—a domination-free order for human life. As the new order began, he could see the old order falling. “He said to them [his disciples], `I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning.’” (Luke 10:18)
God’s kingdom would bring an end to domination, violence, injustice, and poverty—all signs of Satan’s kingdom. Those who would benefit most would be those who suffer most under the domination system: the poor and the marginalized—social outcasts, women, and children. Thus Jesus proclaims good news to the poor—“for theirs is the kingdom of God.”
Those who benefit most from the domination system, the powerful and the wealthy, will find it difficult to enter God’s kingdom because they will be called to voluntarily give up their wealth and share it with the poor. The wealthy are wedded to the old order because it provides them with obvious benefits, including a sense of security, success, and well-being. The new economic order of God’s kingdom is not based on the personal accumulation of wealth but on gracious
generosity, sharing, and sufficiency. Jesus taught us to pray only for what we need for tomorrow: “Grant us the food we need for each day.”
God’s new order began with Jesus. It exists side by side with the old order of Satan. Someday God’s new order will fill the earth. Until that day, we are called to live out God’s new order—of equality, humility, servanthood, compassion, forgiveness, nonviolence, and sharing—in the midst of the old. Doing that, however, puts us into conflict with the kingdom of Satan. Because the values of the domination system—the pursuit of power, prestige, wealth, and exclusive community—are the dominant values of any society, followers of Jesus will always find themselves counter-cultural.
The values of Satan’s kingdom are most clearly identified with the values of “self”—self-interest, self-concern, self-centeredness, selfishness. A focus on the self often leads to alienation, isolation, and separation from communion with others and with God. The values of the kingdom of God are most clearly identified with concern for the other—compassion, service, and sharing. Dietrich Bonheoffer characterized Jesus, our model, as “the man for others.” God’s kingdom is
not established by domination, coercion, or violence. It is open to all and is offered as an invitation. But it relies on a profound change of heart and a radical change of life to enter. Entrance requires a change in priorities—from self-interest (What will I eat? What will I drink? What will I wear?)—to a compassionate interest in the least in society (What will they eat? What will they drink? What will they wear?). The kingdom involves feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the imprisoned, caring for the sick, and accepting the unacceptable.
The kingdom of God is the realization of a fundamental utopia of the human heart. For Jesus, God’s reign is both a realization of all our authentically human hopes and dreams and much more than we have ever dreamed of or hoped for. The kingdom of God is a vision of a radical transformation of human beings and human institutions (social, political, economic, and religious) to a form that will express the character and nature of God. It is a belief that the rule of God in human lives and institutions will transform the social structures of hierarchy, domination, and inequity into structures of equality. It is the total transformation of this world, free from all that alienates human beings, free from unnecessary suffering, sin, divisions, and the fearful power of death. The divine activity of the kingdom of God is focused on the needs and desires of the people. The kingdom of God is a movement, a gathering of people who have decided to follow Jesus. It is a community of people who are committed to the new values of the new order.These are people who listen to the words of Jesus and act on them. Jesus referred to this community as his true family. The kingdom of God is not great and mighty. Most of the time, it appears hidden from view. It is found in action. It involves simple everyday acts of compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, and service. Every act that weakens the domination system strengthens the kingdom of God. Through small actions by many people, the world will be transformed.
Our Mission
Jesus came to earth to preach the Good News – to give people an understanding of the Kingdom of God and the eternal hope that they had through Him. Jesus particularly delighted in doing this among the impoverished, the weak, the hurting, and the rejected in society. ICB Mission begins in the heart of God. 2023 years ago, God sent His only beloved Son to this world. God and Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to this world. At that time, Lord Jesus sent His disciples for us. At this present movement, The ICB, through the Holy Spirit, is fulfilling God’s mission. Jesus’ mission was to save that which was lost. This salvation and good news were and are directed toward every area of need, poverty, and problem of humanity. By nature, man lives separated from God. He lives with a great number of problems and misfortunes, urgently needing the good news of the love, grace, and favor of Christ. Jesus was convinced that he was able to fulfill his mission because God had anointed him with the Holy Spirit. One passage that speaks to us of Jesus’ mission is found in Luke 4:18–19.
Luke 4:18 (a): “to proclaim good news to the poor”
There is much spiritual and moral poverty. Economic poverty is also a very real problem, especially in a country like Nigeria, but in many other countries as well. What did Jesus do for the poor?
– He had compassion on a poor widow and raised her only son from the dead because this son was the source of support for the widow’s future.- He healed the lepers, so they could return to their work.
– He condemned the rich who exploited the poor, especially the orphans and the widows.
Our Mission
– On the other hand, we see that he praised the action of a poor widow who placed all that she had in the offering plate.
– He did not prevent her from giving, nor does the Bible mention that he gave her any funds, now that she was without money.
The poor are not always poor. On the contrary, they are often rich in faith. “Listen, my dear
brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?” (James 2:5).
– We know several people with significant economic needs, yet they are rich in faith and progressing economically. They do not feel abandoned by God but rather feel very loved.
– From my point of view, a person who follows Jesus and trusts him is not poor. He or she may lack material things, as did both Jesus and Paul.
– The promise is that God will provide for their needs. Do we know and preach contentment?
Luke 4:18(b): “He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners”
In the Gospels, we do not read of Jesus freeing anyone from prison. (In Acts we do read of some who were miraculously set free from jail). He did not even give freedom to John the
Baptist when he was in prison, although he certainly would have had the power to do so. So,what prisoners did he free?
– Prisoners of the devil. Jesus liberated many people who were possessed by demons.
– Even today, there are many people who are prisoners of the devil and his demons.
– In our country, there are many who have turned to spiritism, witchcraft, and mind-reading and are bound in some way by evil spirits. Do we teach the students at our Christian institutions how these people can be set free from their captivity?
– Prisoners of sin and vice. “Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin’ ” (John 8:34).
– It wasn’t just the prostitutes, adulterers, and tax collectors who were sinners. The Jews thought they were free, but Jesus saw that they were totally enslaved to sin.
– Today, many think they are free, but we realize that they are imprisoned by such things as addiction, hate, violence, hypocrisy, envy, greed, and many other sins.
– Prisoners of wealth. Wealth prevented the rich young ruler from following Jesus, and money continues to be a great obstacle, hindering many people from faithfully following the Lord.
– Our mission is not only directed toward the poor but also toward the rich. They need to be freed from the love of money.
– Prisoners of tradition and legalism. The religious in Jesus’ day were bound by their traditions and laws, such that they could not accept the grace of Jesus Christ.
– Today, many believe they can secure their salvation by observing religious traditions. Believing themselves to be free, they are slaves of tradition.
There are many captives, even in our Christian institutions. They need to be freed. Do we proclaim freedom in Christ to them? Do we proclaim freedom from the bondage of some traditions?
– “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).
– As the hymn says, “Glorious freedom, wonderful freedom, no more in chains of sin I repine.”
Luke 4:18 (c): “recovery of sight for the blind.”
Jesus took an interest in people’s physical suffering. We are not the God who heals, but we believe in the God who can heal.
– The first Christian church cried out to God for miracles and healing, and God answered. How many of us cry out to God for healing?
– God is the same God, yesterday, today, and forever.
– Sometimes he heals instantly, sometimes it is a process, sometimes he uses medicine,
sometimes he only removes the pain, but we can cry out to him and trust in him.
Luke 4:18 (d) “to set the oppressed free”
Many are oppressed, distressed, weighed down, and grieving.
– Socially oppressed. Jesus had compassion on the outcasts (lepers, for example).
– Do we have a mission to reach the outcasts of society?
– Oppressed by sin and a destructive lifestyle. Jesus restored the life of the Samaritan woman.
The prodigal son returned to his father’s warm, loving home.
– Oppressed by difficult life experiences. Many live oppressed by pain and hurts of the past—childhood abuse, marital infidelity, and financial injury.
– Do we give hope and encouragement to their wounded and broken hearts?
– Oppressed by fear and worry. Jesus said to his disciples, “Do not worry” (Matt. 6:31). Fear and worry do not allow a person to live a happy, abundant life.
– Even so, many Christians live oppressed by this current evil—fear of what is to come, fear of what others will say, worry about the current economic state, worry about their children, etc.
Do we live and preach freedom in Christ?
– Do our neighbors, students, and brothers and sisters in Christ see us as free people?
– Jesus was completely free and only he can give true freedom.
The International Christian Board (ICB) is described as a consulate, an office of God’s Consul. This Socio Devotional mission is usually subordinate to God’s main representation in the capital of all countries, typically an embassy.
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